Deliver us Heavenly Father from an unbelieving heart by Your Holy Spirit, Who outpours faith in Your Church through Your Son Jesus Christ. He ask us to pray Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. May we be of Your new creation seen in our Blessed virgin Mother. Your kingdom has come in Your new creation at this fullness of time and first made evident in our mother Mary, the new Eve. Because of her total acceptance of Your will, You filled her with all grace to conceive of the Holy Spirit, Your son Jesus Christ, our Brother. Now her offspring are called to listen to His voice and follow Him as Lord to Glorify You. As it was in the beginning is now and evermore shall be.
By, Francis Ambrose of Divine Mercy T
Thank you Lord Jesus for being the Lover of my soul.
You have revealed Yourself to me by your Holy Spirit
whispering in my heart that You Love me.
Help me to relinquish selfish ambitions from the blessings,
busyness, and trials of this day. May I experience You in this
present moment by setting back with a panoramic view of this
day with thanksgiving in my heart. I chose to give my adoration and my love to You, by looking at Your face and, deep into Your eyes of Love. May I receive from your perspective The Pascal Sacrifice of your Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity through Your passion for me. May I feel the reality of your sorrow from the agony You experienced beginning in the garden until you cried out
“It is finished” on the cross for my sins,
and the sins of the whole world.
By Francis Ambrose of Divine Mercy T