Father beyond knowing is Your Love for Me!
Yet, not with my sinful mind and accusing tongue could I ever have conceived this great embracing ever consuming Love you have for me.
Yet, a young virgin girl Holy and blameless in your site said yes and conceived Your Son
He is the” Who” the “I AM” and “Ever Reigning One” at Your right hand interceding for all mankind. He ,”Who” You have sent now in the same form as We in human frailty, That very few men can see, unless You draw them unto Yourself. Oh’ Father of Love! Oh’ Father of He, The Son of Mary, The Son of David, The Only Begotten Son of The Father come to die and Rise in Body now marked by the Father’s Love for you and Me.
Oh’ heart of mine feel the pain of Your Blessed Mother Mary as she gazed into her Son’s eye’s filled with obedience to carry our Cross of death by His Father’s Love. Divine Mercy full of compassion for all in need of understanding in the midst of scandal, shame, and suffering in fullness of time, centered in a power-hungry selfish world. Oh’ Heart of Jesus inflamed with compassion for a world caught in the thrust of lust that separates and abandons itself from Your Father’s Love. Your Holy Spirit sent in agreement with Your Father to break open our stubborn hearts inflicting self-destructive shame on the helpless ones crying out for Divine Mercy. “ Let the tears of your hearts now flow My little ones in union with My Mother’s heart of Love and follow Me in agreement with all My Martyrs and Saints standing before Me cheering you onward to Our heavenly Father’s Home.”