The fire of God ignites us.
He purifies our soul,
from the chafe and the stubble,
that keeps us from being whole.
He takes the coals off His alter,
by the Angle of God,
to place them on our lips,
where only saints have trod.
He is the Lamb placed on the alter,
for you and me.
The Fathers Love is the consuming Fire,
that ignites the Lamb who sets us free,
by His passion for you and me.
Now the Angle of God stands before
us in Christ Church today,
beckoning us to receive from
off the alter the coal that ignites
by fire of God’s Spirit in you and me.
Will we receive the Body of the Lamb
from off the Alter today?
The same Body that rose from the dead,
And gives a new life to you and me.
Will we allow the fire of God to burn
away all the chafe of our rebellion,
and stubble from lack of Love that
causes a world of decay?
With the Virgin Mary our Mother
let Christ Church say; Yes!
Amen, be it unto us according to Your Word!
By Francis Ambrose of Divine Mercy
Inspired by 2 Samuel chapter 22 David’s Hymn of Victory and Isaiah Chapter 6 Vision of the Alter in Heaven.