Do you hear the voice of Jesus? Do you take time in silence to listen for Him? He is always desiring to speak to us and just be with Him in the Love of Our Father. Let us all come to set at His table together as one family.
Welcome to my spiritual journey of crying out to God; “Have mercy on me a sinner”!!!
Love of the Father through Jesus!
Do you hear the voice of Jesus? Do you take time in silence to listen for Him? He is always desiring to speak to us and just be with Him in the Love of Our Father. Let us all come to set at His table together as one family.
Thank you Father for the Priesthood!

To thank our heavenly Father for the Priesthood is to have gratitude to our Father for His son Jesus who is our High Priest. Hebrews 4:14 NAB
1 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession.
The new testament alone has over 150 verses that speak of the priest(s) in one form or an other. The Holy Catholic Church holds this office of the Priesthood in high respect for this eternal office of Jesus that he established in His flesh which continues in His church, His Body on earth.
Catechism 1548
It is the same priest, Christ Jesus, whose sacred person his minister truly represents. Now the minister, by reason of the sacerdotal consecration which he has received, is truly made like to the high priest and possesses the authority to act in the power and place of the person of Christ himself (virtute ac persona ipsius Christi).24
Christ is the source of all priesthood: the priest of the old law was a figure of Christ, and the priest of the new law acts in the person of Christ.25
Remember how Jesus taught His disciples to pray:
Matthew 6:9-13
"This is how you are to pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, 7 your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
8 Give us today our daily bread;
and forgive us our debts, 9 as we forgive our debtors;
and do not subject us to the final test, 10 but deliver us from the evil one.
What a blessing that the Priesthood on earth today as a true representation of our High Priest Jesus in heaven. AMEN!
Happy Father’s Day!

Father beyond knowing is Your Love for Me!
Yet, not with my sinful mind and accusing tongue could I ever have conceived this great embracing ever consuming Love you have for me.
Yet, a young virgin girl Holy and blameless in your site said yes and conceived Your Son
He is the” Who” the “I AM” and “Ever Reigning One” at Your right hand interceding for all mankind. He ,”Who” You have sent now in the same form as We in human frailty, That very few men can see, unless You draw them unto Yourself. Oh’ Father of Love! Oh’ Father of He, The Son of Mary, The Son of David, The Only Begotten Son of The Father come to die and Rise in Body now marked by the Father’s Love for you and Me.
Oh’ heart of mine feel the pain of Your Blessed Mother Mary as she gazed into her Son’s eye’s filled with obedience to carry our Cross of death by His Father’s Love. Divine Mercy full of compassion for all in need of understanding in the midst of scandal, shame, and suffering in fullness of time, centered in a power-hungry selfish world. Oh’ Heart of Jesus inflamed with compassion for a world caught in the thrust of lust that separates and abandons itself from Your Father’s Love. Your Holy Spirit sent in agreement with Your Father to break open our stubborn hearts inflicting self-destructive shame on the helpless ones crying out for Divine Mercy. “ Let the tears of your hearts now flow My little ones in union with My Mother’s heart of Love and follow Me in agreement with all My Martyrs and Saints standing before Me cheering you onward to Our heavenly Father’s Home.”
Looking into the Eyes of JESUS

Eyes first seen only by His Father and Angles in heaven
these eyes now made flesh and glowed with radiance of
light into the eyes of his mother. She beheld the face of
her son full of Love, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths.
She fed Him her finest milk as she kept Him warm against her breast and pondered the promise of His name “Jesus”.
The Father’s Love has come to earth seen in the face of Mary’s son, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Look into the eyes of Love
Look into the eyes of Glory
Look into the eyes of Mercy
Behold the face of the Lord
Behold the face of the Lord
The Lord who turned water into wine for a wedding feast.
The Lord who brought calm to the stormy waters of the sea.
The Lord who made the blind man see real people not trees.
Has come now for you and me.
His eyes of Love shone forth healing to the Leapers
and deliverance to the demon possessed to break down
the gates of hell.
His eyes of Glory shone the Father’s radiance of Light with Mosses of the Law and Elijah the Prophet at His side to encourage His Apostles stride in the face of adversity.
Now looking into the eyes of Jesus as He carried the
Cross-for you and me placing our sins upon His shoulders
all the way to Calvary.
Now looking into the eyes of Love as His Blood flowed down His body racked in pain for the sins of the whole world.
Now looking into the eyes of Glory as He cries out to His Father;
“Forgive them for they know not what they do”.
Now looking into the eyes of Mercy as He teaches us how to pray;
Our Father who art in heaven hollowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
Father we ask to receive the eyes of your Son by the infilling of your Holy Spirit,
For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever and ever.
Now I receive Your eyes of Love by sharing in your suffering for those in pain of soul and body,
Now I receive Your eyes of Glory by crying out to our Father in praise and thanksgiving for His new creation though His Son’s own Blood.
Now I receive Your eyes of Mercy by forgiving others, and through acts of kindness to all.
A sword shall pierce your soul

The presentation of the Lord Jesus happens in Jerusalem in the Temple forty days after His birth. Mary and Joseph meet two very important people who were full of expectation and promise that they
would see this Messiah born of a Virgin before the end of there journeys on earth. Anna who is a prophetess gave herself in prayer and fasting makes her confession to the Lord, and speaks the good news of redemption to those who were looking for salvation in Israel. This passage in Luke chapter two clearly connects this happening within the same hour that the Holy Family is received by a Holy Man of God, Simeon, who is listening to the Holy Spirit’s promise to him with persevering patience, believing he would not see death till He sees the Son of God who will bring Salvation.
Simeon then holding the Baby Jesus in his arms blesses Him as he raises Him to the Father and looks directly at Mary and said:
“Behold this child is set for the fall and for the resurrection of many in Israel and for a sign which shall be contradicted.
And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts thoughts may be revealed.” Luke 2:34 and 35.
Mary and Joseph own hearts are being consecrated unto the Father to a continuing journey of wonder and promise, the unfolding of the mystery of redemption. The Lamb of God coming down from heaven to Earth into their own Holy yet humble Family to expose the harden hearts of the world. These words spoken to Mary, the ever Virgin, and pure Mother of our Lord, came with no small price. Her own heart will suffer in pain and cost her agony beyond measure for any mother’s comprehension and heart felt fears for her child. Mary boldly holds to the call of the Father trusting in the promise she witnesses daily in the eyes of her Son.
Out of pain and times of suffering in heart and loneliness of soul I come to hold you. Come share My suffering for souls and the pain I feel in reparation for the times you left me alone on the Cross.
Hold Me as your Mother Mary held me in her heart and arms at the foot of the Cross. Feel My hands, head, opened side, and feet. Keep Me close don’t let go. We are One in the Father as We share in the Cross.
Now My Father will share My Life with you.
Jesus, the One Who died for our sins,
and the sins of the whole world.
Let us pray for our Archbishop of Detroit

Lord Jesus Christ,
You sent Your Apostles to proclaim the Good News with Peter at their head and You strengthened them with the Holy Spirit.
Remind us that our Archbishop Allen Vigneron is appointed by the same Spirit and he is one of the successors of the Apostles as pastor of souls.
Together with our Pope Benedict XVI and under his authority Archbishop Vigneron is sent here to Detroit to continue Your work.
Help our Archbishop to teach by the power of the Holy Spirit all members of his Archdiocese, to sanctify them in Your Cross, and to give them Your nourishment. Make us obey his teachings and love him as the Church obeys and Loves You. May we remain united with him, grow in faith and love, and attain eternal life with You. AMEN !
Is not the United States of America under the Word to Repent and Turn back to God ?
These scriptures were the first reading for this Sunday in the Universal (Catholic) Church for all the Nations which the Holy Spirit has a special call to the United States to turn back to God!
She must cry out to God to continue as a light of freedom and respect toward sanctity of Life to the whole world! Father have Mercy on Us !
Websites are poping up with this same call and you can feel the warning in the air and on the news 24/7.
The word of the Lord was addressed to Jonah: ‘Up!’ he said ‘Go to Nineveh, the great city, and preach to them as I told you to.’ Jonah set out and went to Nineveh in obedience to the word of the Lord. Now Nineveh was a city great beyond compare: it took three days to cross it. Jonah went on into the city, making a day’s journey. He preached in these words, ‘Only forty days more and Nineveh is going to be destroyed.’ And the people of Nineveh believed in God; they proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least.
God saw their efforts to renounce their evil behavior. And God relented: he did not inflict on them the disaster which he had threatened.
Jonah 3:1-5,10
2Ch 7:14
And my people, upon whom my name is called, being converted, shall make supplication to me, and seek out my face, and do penance for their most wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.
Pray For our New President and the mission that is upon all the people of these Great United States

On this mountain the LORD of hosts will provide for all peoples A feast of rich food and choice wines, juicy, rich food and pure, choice wines.
On this mountain he will destroy the veil that veils all peoples, The web that is woven over all nations;
Isaiah 25:6-7
The Holy Father gave these scripture verses as a reference in his letter to Our new President Barack Obama after he took the oath of office as the 44th President of the United States.
In this letter is heard the heart of the Holy Father's prayer over our New President and the mission that is upon all the people of these Great United States in which we live.
May the Holy Spirit grant us His grace and mercy to pray in agreement to first receive a new heart for this great call upon our country, and the fortitude to share our blessings with the whole world.
The Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
The White House
Washington, D.C.
On the occasion of your inauguration as the Forty-fourth president of the United States of America I offer cordial good wishes, together with the assurance of my prayers that the Almighty God will grant you unfailing wisdom and strength in the exercise of your high responsibilities.
Under your leadership may the American people continue to find in their impressive religious and political heritage the spiritual values and ethical principles needed to cooperate in the building of a truly just and free society, marked by respect for the dignity, equality and rights of each of its members, especially the poor, the outcast and those who have no voice.
At a time when so many of our brothers and sisters throughout the world yearn for liberation from the scourge of poverty, hunger and violence, I pray that you will be confirmed in your resolve to promote understanding, cooperation and peace among the nations, so that all may share in the banquet of life which God wills to set for the whole human family (cf. Isaiah 25:6-7). Upon you and your family, and upon all the American people, I willingly invoke the Lord's blessings of joy and peace.
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