The presentation of the Lord Jesus happens in Jerusalem in the Temple forty days after His birth. Mary and Joseph meet two very important people who were full of expectation and promise that they
would see this Messiah born of a Virgin before the end of there journeys on earth. Anna who is a prophetess gave herself in prayer and fasting makes her confession to the Lord, and speaks the good news of redemption to those who were looking for salvation in Israel. This passage in Luke chapter two clearly connects this happening within the same hour that the Holy Family is received by a Holy Man of God, Simeon, who is listening to the Holy Spirit’s promise to him with persevering patience, believing he would not see death till He sees the Son of God who will bring Salvation.
Simeon then holding the Baby Jesus in his arms blesses Him as he raises Him to the Father and looks directly at Mary and said:
“Behold this child is set for the fall and for the resurrection of many in Israel and for a sign which shall be contradicted.
And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts thoughts may be revealed.” Luke 2:34 and 35.
Mary and Joseph own hearts are being consecrated unto the Father to a continuing journey of wonder and promise, the unfolding of the mystery of redemption. The Lamb of God coming down from heaven to Earth into their own Holy yet humble Family to expose the harden hearts of the world. These words spoken to Mary, the ever Virgin, and pure Mother of our Lord, came with no small price. Her own heart will suffer in pain and cost her agony beyond measure for any mother’s comprehension and heart felt fears for her child. Mary boldly holds to the call of the Father trusting in the promise she witnesses daily in the eyes of her Son.
Out of pain and times of suffering in heart and loneliness of soul I come to hold you. Come share My suffering for souls and the pain I feel in reparation for the times you left me alone on the Cross.
Hold Me as your Mother Mary held me in her heart and arms at the foot of the Cross. Feel My hands, head, opened side, and feet. Keep Me close don’t let go. We are One in the Father as We share in the Cross.
Now My Father will share My Life with you.
Jesus, the One Who died for our sins,
and the sins of the whole world.