
The Adventure of Daily Office Reading

The reading of the office is important for the Church
gives us direction on which scriptures to read on a daily
basis. She is like a movie director for the reading keeps
the whole Church on point to produce the same universal
message of scripture for the time of year.

The Church year is staged into different seasons like
different scenes in a movie, these themes display the
redemptive work of God the author of history.
The year of grace 2007 started with Advent.
This season starts on the eve of December 1st and runs
up to the nativity of the Lord Jesus. The ever celebrated
Christmas season begins that evening of December 24th
and runs to the Baptism of the Lord according to the
Church year. Then the season of Ordinary Time, which
runs before the forty days of Lent a time of fasting and
soul searching unto repentance. Lent prepares the
Church for the most important feast of celebration called
the Triduum. The Triduum is the three most important
days of the year for all Christains. This begins on Holy
Thursday the celebration of the last supper Jesus had
with His Disciples before His Death on the cross, note
this is also the celebration of Passover. Then Good Friday
we celebrate the stations of the cross to His death at 3pm.
Then Holy Saturday that evening is the"Easter Vigil" the
celebration begins with Baptism, Confirmation, and First
Communion for the Elect being birthed into the Church.

This day the year of 2007 April 7th marks my Birthday
into the Universal Holy Church. The evening begins our
Easter celebration and runs all night into the next day
Easter Sunday. Now that is what I call real celebration
WOW! What a party, the real celebration of the
Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!
After those big feast days brings the season of Easter
Time which takes us right up to the day of Pentecost.
Fifty days after the Resurrection is the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit upon the Church. Then the rest of the year is
Ordinary time again taking us through the summer right
back to the next year beginning in Advent. The cycle of
the Holy Spirit making real the fullness of Salvation in
the Church on the earth in history till the end of time.

Important !
Click on the Icon below to access todays Office readings.
