I can of myself do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is righteous; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. American Standard Version John 5:30
Thank you Jesus for teaching us how to pray and asking of our Father for His Will Be Done.
“Pray then in this way: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come. Your Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.“ Matthew 5:9,10. NRSV
O’ Thank you Father for your Love Daddy, and creating me to be united in your Holy Will so Divine in your Image of Eternal Love by your Holy Spirit. O’ how privileged we are to be purchase by your only Son Jesus through His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension into heaven.
O’ Praise You for this new day! You have created in your Beloved in the fullness of Love, purity of holiness to all of your creation. Praise to you Daddy through your Son our brother Jesus Christ for the praise of His Glorious Grace in fullness of purity in the heart, which your sanctification is, gifted us by your Holy Spirit.
Thank you for your eternal gift of salvation passed down from age to age through your promises of salvation beginning after the fall of our first parents Adam and Eve; and now culminating into completeness in fulfillment through Jesus your Son, and Mary your daughter. O’ what mystery! Thank you Daddy for giving us sinless and Holy parents of your new creation in your Divine will. Your will Father is fulfilled in giving us Mary your chosen daughter, who is sinless Mother of Jesus and our Mother too! O’ what mystery! Praise you Daddy for your Only eternal begotten Son Jesus conceived in her womb. You are our Daddy in fullness of staying true to your promises in feeding us with your bread come down from heaven born of the Virgin Mother for the forgiveness of our sins and the sins of the whole world. Thank you Daddy for your Will be done in our hearts!
By your Holy Spirit create in all your children Daddy a deeper hunger in our hearts to Love and serve you through Jesus own Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Holy Spirit sanctify us in your continual baptism of fire, unto obedience, in feeding upon this spiritual food of Jesus your Son present at your table, Daddy, you have prepared for your children. Forgive us Daddy when we have walked away from your great Love for us all. Now may we receive this great growing hunger from your Holy Spirit's fire burning away all the hay, wood, and stubble that keeps us in darkness by the distractions of hate, envy and jealousy caused by pride of selfishness and greed. Daddy may we all cry out to you to root out the sin of indifference and cynicism toward others, caused by projecting our unbelief of your Love for ourselves onto others. Give us deeper understanding of your Holy Spirit’s yearning to become broken at the foot of the cross in time and space with all your saints who are now cheering us on because of the blood of your Son Jesus. He, who is the challis of salvation! May all the generational curses passed down by acting in shamefulness of sinful attitudes which cause insane thinking that we are hidden from you be stripped from our lives as naked children before your Light. Set us free from all those entrapments of believing the lie of Satan in acting out of own choices of will, and surrender to your will Daddy as Jesus and Mary did in obedience to your Divine Will.
Daddy may we listen to every word that proceeds from the mouth of your only begotten Son Jesus our brother who lives in you and always does your will. Come Lord Jesus, into our hearts with your breath Daddy, by the Holy Spirit; to purge away all sin, and specially the lie of Satan to follow his rebellion of anti-government, anti-obedience to authority, anti-church, which comes from the anti-Christ. May we hear Jesus command from Your Will Daddy, to follow Him by taking up our crosses of dieing daily to our willed destiny toward Self, Satan, and this World.
Awaken us Daddy to cry out to you as our only Hope seen in the face of Jesus as God, and One with You in your Holy Spirit living in your Will of Love.
Daddy, may we your children on earth join in one voice with your children in heaven united in Your Love for the salvation of souls. You Daddy have given us a great King who now rules over the entire universe by your Love, in Your Love, and for your Love. Jesus King of all creation we Love you, we adore you, we praise you for your glory shining forth by your presence in your Holy Spirit sent from Our Daddy. May we your children walk in your obedience to our Daddy’s Divine Will for your Holy Church on earth as in heaven. May your governing Kingship which our Daddy established through You in your Holy Apostles by the laying on of your hands continue in confirming and consecrating Holy orders of obedience through you as Prophet, Priest, and King. Now You are ruling in our hearts by your Holy Spirit over the entire cosmos to establish your Reign over all spirits, rulers, dominions, governments, and authorities on earth as in heaven visible and invisible now and forever.